The Importance of Finding Your Purpose in Life

Finding your purpose in life is something sought after by so many people. But why is it so important? What drives us to find our purpose and why? The reason why so many of us feel so driven to find our life purpose is because knowing your purpose means that you are fully in touch with WHO YOU ARE at … Read More

Not Knowing: An Exercise in Manifestation

One of the biggest reasons that I’ve seen my clients have difficulty manifesting is because they are limited in their thinking. They have difficulty keeping an open mind for HOW things can come to them. They tend to operate inside a mental box created by their own minds. The problem is that this box of their own creation can actually … Read More

How Subconscious Programming Works

Did you ever wonder how subconscious programming works? Well, I’m going to tell you. Basically, the subconscious is the best protective mechanism we have. It controls all of our bodily functions so we don’t have to think about them. This means that it’s really easily programmed so that it can do this for us. It also helps us operate through … Read More

Do You Believe in YOU?

Lack of trust and belief in ourselves is one of the biggest problems we can have, and sometimes without even knowing it. If we doubt ourselves and our ability to create, then we simply don’t believe in ourselves. And where there is no belief in something, it will not come to be. You must believe in yourself and trust your … Read More

Your Soul Wants You to Be Abundant

Your Soul wants you to live an abundant life. Your Soul wants you to be happy. It also wants to express itself as fully as possible. That means expressing its gifts in every way it can. But if we don’t know what those are and what that means, how can we express them in our daily lives? We can’t. When … Read More

Soul Clearing for Financial Abundance, Part 3

When we find ourselves stuck financially and living in lack, there is usually a reason for it. The problem is we don’t always realize it at the time. We are typically blinded by our circumstances and feel trapped and depressed or angry. We are looking for the cause of our difficulty and a way out as quickly as possible, but … Read More