The negative energy that resides within us is held at different levels within our being, but it always affects us at Soul-level. But what does that mean? Basically, it means that no matter where the energy is held within our beings, it prevents us from truly expressing our Soul and all of the wonderful and amazing gifts and abilities we … Read More
Wisdom Quote: Eckhart Tolle
“The moment you completely accept your non-peace, your non-peace becomes transformed into peace. Anything you accept fully will take you into peace. This is the miracle of surrender.” – Eckhart Tolle Share your favorite quote in the comments below, or on my Facebook page and I will feature them in my newsletter and blog.
Clear the Connections that Drain Your Energy
When we form and maintain relationships with other people, we not only do it in the physical sense through communication and interaction, but we also do it energetically, and even spiritually. We form energetic connections through our interactions with others. Those connections can take on many forms. Take for example, something that happened when you were younger. Say you got … Read More
Fear Has a Voice
Yes, our fear has a voice, and it can be quite scary at times. It speaks to us when we are at our most vulnerable and convinces us that we need to be terribly worried when often there is no real need to be. Now, I’m not saying that our fears are always a bad thing. They’re not. Sometimes they’re … Read More
Overeating: Why Do We Do it?
Overeating, overconsumption, overindulging, even overspending … it all falls in the same category, in my opinion. But why do we do it? Where is the source of it? At times, it may be due to boredom. But above all, I believe the source of it is emotional in nature. Thinking about this topic has made me want to ask: What is … Read More