Manifest What You Want in 2014: 5 Things to Know

The beginning of the year is traditionally the time of year when we set resolutions. It’s time for a fresh start for everyone. It’s also a great time to think about actually MANIFESTING and CREATING what you want, rather than just talking about it. Why not make 2014 the year you say you got everything you ever wanted? Here are … Read More

Abundance or Lack: Your Choice

Believe it or not, if you are living in lack, it is a choice you have made, at least on some level of your existence. This may not seem possible to you, or even probable, especially if you are living a life that seems filled with lack everywhere you turn and you just want out of it. So, how exactly … Read More

How Self Confidence Affects What You Manifest

There is a direct relationship between your self-confidence level and the level of abundance you manifest in your life. When we are feeling low or depressed because of circumstances in our lives that make us feel less powerful than we truly are, it can have a really negative effect on our self-confidence level and how powerful of creators we perceive … Read More

How Subconscious Programming Works

Did you ever wonder how subconscious programming works? Well, I’m going to tell you. Basically, the subconscious is the best protective mechanism we have. It controls all of our bodily functions so we don’t have to think about them. This means that it’s really easily programmed so that it can do this for us. It also helps us operate through … Read More

How to Manifest Abundance in 5 Easy Steps

When attempting to manifest our desires, there are some key points that we must abide by in order to see our manifestation requests come to reality. Without them, it just won’t work. Some of these steps might seem obvious or simple, but often they are easier said than done and often there is more to them than we realize right … Read More

Do You Believe in YOU?

Lack of trust and belief in ourselves is one of the biggest problems we can have, and sometimes without even knowing it. If we doubt ourselves and our ability to create, then we simply don’t believe in ourselves. And where there is no belief in something, it will not come to be. You must believe in yourself and trust your … Read More