Abundance Lies Within Us

treasure chest of abundanceAccessing the abundant power that lies within us is about not only knowing ourselves and who we are. It’s about not being afraid of who we are and our power, so that we begin to fully understand it, access it, AND share it with the world. It’s also about taking a stand for who we are when it comes to expressing ourselves.

There are often times when, against our better judgment, we take the advice of others and modify our own decisions and actions, even when our gut tells us to do something different. Seeking guidance from others can be an amazing and truly valuable learning experience for us, but it should add to who we are, rather than take away from it or compromise it. What is right for us may never be right for anyone else, but it really doesn’t matter, because it’s OUR experience and no one else’s.

What we have to remember, and simultaneously, what we often forget, is that we already have everything we need within us to create what we desire for our lives. We each have a direct line to Divine Source energy and all the wisdom and knowledge we need to create and manifest abundance into our lives. It’s just a matter of accessing it fully.

We have a tendency to be very critical of ourselves and ignore that at our very core, we are filled with light and positive energy, rather than the negative we tend to experience and express, especially when we find ourselves in negative circumstances. We forget that we ARE abundance within and we simply have to uncover it, remember it, and return to it.

As difficult as that can be to conceptualize and realize, I assure you it is true.

We are just like a treasure chest waiting to be opened. Granted, it might be a little dusty on the outside, or even hard to open, but once we remember the combination, and pry the chest open, the light that shines from the gold and jewels inside the chest when it is finally open, is purely blinding.

So when you fail to see abundance all around you, and you are finding you are having difficulty manifesting abundance in your life, simply open the treasure chest and look within.

2 Comments on “Abundance Lies Within Us”

  1. Mary Jane Allen

    This is WONDERFUL article, Sallie! I love the analogy between a treasure chest of riches and the light and a pure abundance within us all! Beautiful!

    Thank you very much!

    Love and Blessings, MJ πŸ™‚

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